The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blossoming Garden

A budding rose in the garden of life

Born to bring new color

Dazzling in the gentle breeze

Sprinkling smile of beauty and love

Thorns set as barriers in its way

Yet, there were soothing comforts

Caring touch lifted in kind

From dangers passed by

No more a child again

Blossoming in its youth

Glory of beauty crowned

Lasted not for long

Pricking thorns hurt more

Time passes leaving weariness

Enchanted beauty vanished

With shedding petals...

Looked for hands of care

Loosing youth is teary

Seems to be reckless adventure

Turn into dark phase of life

Slow process makes it tiresome

Waiting for the very end

No more a shining Star

No more crowns of beauty

Paving way for young ones

Cycle of process never ends

Heading towards ultimate end

Till the Garden of Life exists...


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem. It is quite the metaphor to life.

Secret Philosopher said...

Thank you Rose for that note of appreciation..That was really inspiring...