Yesterday, I switched on my TV (being bored as usual ;-)) and I came across an interesting program...You are eager to know, which program is that, right...
It was a court hearing by Judge Judy....Argument was between a Mom and Son for the loan of 2000$ advanced by him to his own mother...Mom states that she is having cancer and she is in short of money due to treatment and promises to return money soon. She says “I have raised an "Ungrateful Child"...Son says that he has taken loan from his college and so he need it back...Judgment was said in favour of twenty one year old kid..
He forgot the love and care his mom gave him till this age for a sum of $2000...Can he ever compare with what she has given him till now for just a sum of $2000? He forgot his mom is sick and near to death for $2000..Sadly,everything in life now is weighed against money.
Beware: Document all aspects of lending and paying back even if it is with your own kid, parents, relatives, friends and all...No one knows what may happen tomorrow...Personally I scare about my kids doing the same to me. ;-) ...
Only one single word came to my mind...Wondering what it is? I’ll tell you...It’s "Money"...That can turn world upside down...I see ex-boyfriend suing his girlfriend and vice versa...All for money! I guess the person who has found such an instrument "Money" never thought what may follow it...I have learned in my school days that man initially were nomads, and then they started settling in one place doing agriculture. Barter System evolved eventually so that they could share what they produce hence fulfilling all basic needs of all. And Then was the birth of "Money" that took place for convenience in trading.
However, Money has turned to be a weapon that helps making relations and breaking them too..Now, let’s imagine giving someone money they asked for...I am sure all of us does have experience in lending...And after promised time you are calling them for return and amazingly your friend may not answer or all of a sudden he is out of station...When he took that money from you he had a broad smile of friendship making bonds stronger and when you call him back for return ,grin disappears ...And your call is left unanswered making the bonds more weaker...Not all does the same way! But once such an incident strike someone ,he fear lending money at all...
In office importance of money is no different...If boss did not give appraisal to employee’s expectation...Then he set a limit in work thinking I ll work for the pay I receive and not more. But if he is given a chance to talk about work ethics ,he speaks about dedication to the company and all..But where is the sincere dedication? I am not going to write more ,on contribution of money towards all aspects in life like family, crimes,etc...I want to just point out Money has become "All" for all..I agree we need money to live...Yes we do need some money as savings for our future ,safety,towards risks,etc...But more than savings, for what? We are not going to take it with us, after death. You may ask you need to leave some money for kids...Yes,we need to...But not more than what they need...I don't think so..Enrich our children with culture and love..So that they work hard and rise high in career as their parents did...As a parent all think that I have struggled in my life so I ll not let my child struggle nor punish them when wrong..Hence he is raised in all comfort, not having idea about family, relations and moral values...When more money and freedom is given, more chance that child is lost...
All I have to say ,"If money is given less importance and utilised in an appropriate way, then no mother has to weep about an ungrateful child nor kid has to sue his own mother for money.."
Money is one of the most useful inventions made by mankind and its influence has permeated every aspect of our life. I don't believe money by itself is causing any problem. The lack of ethics and morality as well as greed is causing all these problems. Talking about your example, a borrower has a ethical obligation to return the borrowed money irrespective of whether the lender is his mother or a friend or even his enemy. He is morally bound to return it irrespective of whether there is any legal document attached to it. To generalize the situation I can say that the borrower should return any object he borrowed - money, car, lawn mover, any thing. From this perspective I don't think money is root cause - the lack of integrity from the borrower's part is the cause.
It is easy to blame such issues on money whereas the actual cause of human greed and lack of ethics go unnoticed.
Thank u Bryce..
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