The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Revealed Truth !

Remove ,the masks you wear,Oh People!
Why to hide your secret life?
Show the world as you are,Inside-Out
For the World will know them today or tomorrow..

Mask you wear is temporary
Sure ,will be unmasked one day
What answer will you give the world
For you have created hatred among men

How long will you live as hypocrites?
Running away from inner voice
For this is time for you to listen
Listen! To voice of your Conscious

Don't be depressed for there hope for you
For there is still time for you to change
For you to reform yourself from evil
Change before its high time

Pour out all emotions,whenever
For that is what you are
You cannot change that with a fake smile
So why to hide your feelings

Let them flow out your heart
May that be anger or joy
Show it, world prefer that
Fitting a plain smile ,has no meaning

Mask may give a good image
Not everlasting for sure
when world realise that
You ll lose all your fame

Here comes time to repent
Confess and seek forgiveness
To lead a new life in purity
For that gives real meaning to life

Every man not born pure
Knowledge ,Learning from experience
Accepting drawbacks ,all natural
Change,To reach out a New Life!!